Your student account is considered past due if charges are not paid in full or a payment plan approved within 15 days of the date of your first e-mail notification showing a balance due.  An approved payment plan (which requires a down payment based on the amount due) will allow you to spread any unpaid balance over three consecutive months. If your account becomes past due, you are notified by US mail/email and offered an opportunity to complete your payment.  If your account remains past due, you may be removed from your classes, and you remain responsible for all unpaid course tuition and fees.  You continue to receive email notifications of a balance due until your balance is paid in full.

You are not eligible to register for any classes at Allen University or to receive a transcript until your account is paid in full.  If you are a candidate for a degree, you must be in good financial standing with Allen University before your degree will be awarded. 

Returned Check Policy

  • If your check is returned unpaid by your bank for insufficient funds, stopped payment, or account closure, the Business Office notifies you and allows you 15 days to make full payment by bank check, or money order.

  • If full payment is not received within 15 days, you are removed from your course(s).

  • You are charged a $35 fee for any check returned unpaid for any reason.

  • If your check is returned unpaid by your bank, for one year, you may only use bank checks or money orders as methods of payment to Allen University. 

Invalid Credit Cards and Credit Card Chargebacks

  • If you request a credit card chargeback or attempt to pay with an invalid card, you are removed from your course(s) immediately.

  • If you use a credit card without the cardholder’s knowledge or permission, you are removed from your course(s) immediately, and you may face prosecution. 

  • If you use another’s credit card and the cardholder requests a credit card chargeback, you are removed from your courses immediately.

  • You are responsible for all course tuition and fees on your account.