Become a sponsor today!
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or purchasing an ad separately, please contact, or (803) 376-5725 or (803) 376-5724.
Platinum Sponsor $30,000
Premier seating - Three (3) tables of 8 guests
Listing on event promotional materials
Full-page ad in the souvenir journal
Individual’s name or company logo highlighted during the event
Live Greetings/Brief Remarks during the event as top sponsor
Company Name prominently featured on Allen University’s social media outlets Link to company’s website featured on Allen University’s website
Company Name featured on event memento/gift/trinket
Gold Sponsor $15,000
Premier seating - Two (2) tables of 8 guests
Listing on event promotional materials
Full-page ad in the souvenir journal
Individual’s name or company’s logo highlighted during the event Recorded greetings during the event as a top sponsor
Silver Sponsor $7,500
Two (2) tables of 8 guests
Listing on event promotional materials
Full-page ad in the souvenir journal
Individual’s name or company’s logo highlighted during the event
Bronze Sponsor $5,000
One (1) table of 8 guests
Listing on event promotional materials
Half-page ad in the souvenir journal
Individual’s name or company’s logo highlighted during the event
Table $2,000 | One (1) table of 8 guests
Listing on event promotional materials Quarter-page ad in the souvenir journal with the table sponsorship.
Allen University is deeply appreciative of the contributions of our many generous alumni and friends. We offer several areas for you to contribute: the Annual Fund (our greatest need), the General Scholarship Fund, Endowed Scholarships, other naming opportunities, or several other academically centered areas.
Allen University welcomes gifts of all types and will work with you and your financial advisor to maximize the tax benefit for you and the value of your gift to the University. You may make your gift to Allen University in several ways:
Your personal cash gift is deductible from your adjusted gross income.
Stocks and Bonds
For full tax benefit, securities may be electronically transferred by your broker to the University broker, or you may send unsigned stock certificates by certified mail.
Life Income Gifts
Gifts of appreciated property may generate income for you with positive tax benefits. Examples include gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts.
You may reduce inheritance taxes by designating in your Last Will and Testament specific gifts of cash, property, or a percentage of the remainder of your estate.
Lead Trusts
Property or assets may stay in the family, while your gift reduces estate taxes and supports Allen University.
Life Insurance
Designating Allen University as a beneficiary of a paid-up policy or new policy helps the University’s future endowment and provides you with a tax deduction.
Retained Life Estate
You retain occupancy of the property for life but give your primary or vacation home or farm to the University to generate future income.
Real or Personal Property
You can deduct the full fair-market value of gifts of real estate or personal property (art, antiques, automobiles, etc.).
Retirement Plan Gifts
Remainder interest in IRA, 401k and 403b plans may be designated to provide an income stream to loved ones and ultimately benefit the University at substantial tax savings.
Matching Gifts
Your gift to Allen University may be matched with funds from your employer. Check with your company’s Human Resources office to see if your company offers a match.